What you need to know about Radon.

The information below is meant to be informative and is here to educate our website users and clients. Yes, radon is a serious concern for homeowners but please keep in mind that almost all cases can be mitigated and resolved to a safe radon level. Here at Certified Radon Mitigation, we guarantee that our radon mitigation will drop your radon pCi/L level below the recommended level of 4 pCi/L. So don’t worry. If you have high radon levels in your home or building there is no need to pack up and move. We’re here to help.
Where does radon come from?
The majority of radon found in homes and building is caused from the natural deposits of uranium and radium found in the earth. This type of ground is commonly found in the soils throughout Colorado. Radon is rarely a byproduct of any mankind activity unlike other environmental concerns.
Structures at risk
Any building, home, shed, well, or structure that has been built over and excavated area of earth is at risk for high radon level. Radon levels can be higher in different types of buildings, new and old homes alike. These high risk builds include:
- Crawl space homes
- Slab-on-grade homes
- Split level homes
- Homes with a basement
Exposure to Radon Causes Lung Cancer
When uranium and radium break down and decompose with the soil, the gas known as radon is created. The Radon is pulled into basements, crawlspaces and the lower level of homes and buildings through the stack effect. People exposed to these areas breath the radon decay products into their lungs, increasing their risk of developing lung cancer.
Average Indoor Levels
According to the United States Surgeon General, the American Lung Association and the Environmental Protection Agency, people should avoid long-term radon exposure at or above 4 pCi/L. The average indoor radon level in the United States is about 1.3 pCi/L. The average indoor radon level for people living in Colorado homes is 6.4 pCi.L.
Picocuries per liter (pCi/L) is a unit for measuring radioactive concentrations. The curie (Ci) unit is the activity of 1 gram of pure radium 226. Pico is a scientific notation term which means 1*10¯'". Living in the average Colorado home for 1 year is like having 200 chest x-rays in that year alone. Remember, those numbers are for each person living in the home. Radon exposure is the same as radiation exposure. Each year in the United States, more than twenty thousand people die from radon induced lung cancer. In our state alone, 500 people a year die from radon induced lung cancer.
Radon should be taken seriously
Each year in the United States, more than twenty thousand people die from radon induced lung cancer. In our state alone, 500 people a year die from radon induced lung cancer. Living in the average Colorado home for 1 year is like having 200 chest x-rays in that year alone. This is a scary amount of radiation to think about when trying to protect your family. Remember, those numbers are for each person living in the home. Radon exposure is the same as radiation exposure and should be taken seriously. The first step to protecting your family from radon is testing your home. Don’t wait! Call Certified Radon Testing today and schedule a radon testing for your home.